1263 results total, viewing 51 - 60
Cheap Insurance explores the complex relationship between in-vehicle touchscreens, driver focus, and the potential consequences for both your safety and your chances to find cheaper car insurance. more
FoodReady used data from the CDC to explore the most common settings that facilitated foodborne illnesses in the U.S. from 2009 to 2021. more
A well-worn joke in American Jewish culture goes like this. A Jewish immigrant landed at Ellis Island in New York. The procedures were confusing, and he was overwhelmed by the commotion. … more
The Markup investigates why, despite being more likely to die of liver disease, Native Americans are far less likely to make the transplant list than white people. more
Stacker looked at data from The Numbers on production budgets of Oscar-winning films to see what it costs to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards. more mapped state-by-state commercial gaming revenue growth in 2023 using year-over-year data from the American Gaming Association. more introduces five ways to make connections in your life that can lead to better mental health more
Stacker compiled images of student-led demonstrations from the past century to contextualize the history of protests on American college campuses. more
(NewsUSA) - They say blonds have more fun, but there are non-frivolous reasons for choosing pale or light-finish hardwoods for floors, cabinetry, paneling, and millwork in your home. “Many species … more
(BPT) - En 2020, Cassandra estaba viviendo al máximo su vida plena y ocupada. A los 60 años, su activo calendario social incluía pasar mucho tiempo con amigos y familiares, … more
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