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Celebrate your life daily


Celebrating as a group bestows a sense of belonging, something crucial to human fulfillment. From birthdays to funerals, there is no end to the celebrations of who we are, where we came from, what we’ve done, what we worship and even who or what we’ve lost. Let’s be honest, do we need a holiday or an observance in order to don our party hats? The overwhelming response from the scientific, religious, medical and spiritual communities is no! 

Celebrating life on a daily basis is a way to develop an “attitude of gratitude” that can literally transform your outlook on life and your ability to more deeply enjoy what you already have. An attitude of gratitude will not only improve your outlook, but it will also improve your health and your sleep. Here are some tips from the experts that can help you develop a lasting habit of gratitude.

Celebrate your day…before it begins. 
While your head is still on the pillow, take just a few minutes to identify all the things for which you are grateful, even if it’s just the fact that you are in a warm bed with a roof over your head.

Give thanks sincerely and often. 
Pay attention to the gestures of consideration shown to you throughout the day. Be sure to thank everyone who pays you a kindness. Write letters to people thanking them for what they’ve done for you. Telephone someone and tell them how much you appreciate their influence on your life.

Appreciate the “negatives” in your life. 
Obstacles and challenges teach us resiliency and humility, and they allow us to become more capable of overcoming bigger problems. Instead of losing it over your neighbor’s barking dog, be grateful for the opportunity to practice patience.

Keep a journal. 
Don’t like to write? Do something called the “rampage of appreciation.” Think about all the things for which you’re grateful, open your journal, set a timer for one minute and spray the page with anything and everything that comes to mind. Don’t stop until the timer rings. When it’s over, you’ll be amazed at how many blessings belong to you.

Count your blessings before you count sheep.
Just as you begin your day as a celebration, end it the same way. By focusing on the good things in your life, you reduce mental stress which contributes to insomnia. Remember, you don’t have to wait for an excuse to party. Go ahead, make some noise! It’s your life and you’re worth celebrating!