Giving Your Body a Boost


You hear that? It’s a collective sigh of relief that the heat is finally tolerable. No more walks at 5:00 am or 10:00 pm. You can now plan your day chalked full of activities and not worry about the extreme heat derailing your plans.

Identify your starting point 
Before you can improve your health, you first need to realize where you need
to start. Create your own health profile by seeing your doctor for your annual physical.

Record your height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and other important levels. Then monitor your numbers throughout the season to see how they improve.

Drink more water
You know you should, but still you don’t. Drinking water will not only keep you hydrated, it will also keep you from eating unnecessary calories.

Your body is made up of roughly 70 percent water and medical experts recommend you drink nine to 13 cups a day, depending on your height, weight and gender.

Set realistic goals
Goal setting is an important part of any health initiative, but equally important is that the goals be realistic and reachable.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, lessen your blood pressure or lower your cholesterol, speak with your doctor to find your desired levels and what they think is a realistic timeframe to reach them.

Get some sleep
While getting a good night’s sleep seems impossible, research indicates eight hours a night is what your body needs. Also, trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time— it will improve your sleep quality.

Now that the Valley of the Sun has turned into the perfect place to live, take advantage of the great weather and get active with your family and friends. You can take realistic actions to improve your quality of life and feel better on a daily basis with these simple steps.

water, goals, activities