Bounce Back


Being a parent takes patience, grit and an endless reservoir of love and affection. It also takes resilience—that partly innate (mostly learned) ability to bounce back from life’s little spills and giant collapses so that you can move forward with a sense of peace and happiness. Here is a look at five common traits resilient parents share that help them navigate the glorious minefield of parenting.

1. Flexibility
Bend before you break, and adjust with flexibility. One thing you probably know is that while some things are in your control, often children and their feelings and behaviors can turn a situation upside down. A resilient parent learns to roll with the punches.

2. Self-care
It is important for all parents to learn that taking care of yourself is as important as taking care of others. If you are not well rested, fed and emotionally healthy, it is much harder to meet someone else’s needs. You cannot help your child in an emergency if you are not functioning. Life is the same way.

3. Acceptance of imperfections
No one is perfect. Resilient parents learn to accept the fact that we all make mistakes and have plenty of imperfections. Perhaps your child is forgetful or loses things. A resilient parent realizes that this just might be the nature of the child and invests extra time and energy in teaching them organizational skills instead of getting frustrated or angry.

4. A positive outlook
In life there will be good days, rotten days and everything in between. A resilient parent learns to focus on things that go well, rather than on the disasters. When you are running late, your child is having a temper tantrum and knocks over a glass of juice—it’s frustrating,
but remind yourself about the good times.

5. A growth mentality
As a parent, it’s easy to get stuck in a routine. While there is nothing wrong with routines, sometimes a person can become resentful without some fun or novelty added to the mix. A resilient parent realizes it is necessary to continue to grow and learn new skills. Taking a class, starting a new hobby—these are ways to continue learning and finding joy in your daily life.

growth, care, perfect